Basics of Creating a Family Archive

Thursday, March 276:00—7:30 PMMeeting RoomActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Meeting Room AActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Meeting Room BActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720

Learn how to create your own family archive and the basics of how to leave a digital legacy for future generations. Topics covered include the basics of archival storage, digital preservation, organizing your materials, and storytelling.

About the presenter: Rhonda Chadwick is the author of the book Secrets from the Stacks, which reveals how to store, digitize and preserve documents to create a family archive and leave a personal legacy.  As a trained archivist, she has worked at numerous libraries, archives, and museums throughout southern New England, including the Rhode Island Historical Society, the John Hay Library at Brown University, the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College, the Rhode Island School of Design, and the American Textile History Museum in Lowell.  She has a dual MLIS/Archives Management and MA History degree. She is the owner of a personal history business named after her grandmother and great-grandmother called LenaSalina Legacy Preservation.  The mission of LenaSalina is to teach people about long-term preservation and archival storage.

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