(Virtual) Connecticut’s Indigenous Communities: An Introduction
Wednesday, October 117:00—9:00 PMZoom
CONNECTICUT’S INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES: AN INTRODUCTION by Lucianne Lavin, director of research emeritus at the Institute of American Indian Studies. Over thousands of years, Native Americans in Eastern North America became experts of their natural environments, managing the plant, animal, and human communities for the benefit and survival of all. Indigenous folklore and sacred stories promoted this ecological balance and spiritual obligation. Remote via Zoom. A link will be sent a few days in advance.
Most programs are free but all require registration at https://tinyurl.com/pinehawk-2023
Questions? Email friends.of.pinehawk@gmail.com
The Friends of Pine Hawk 2023 Fall Program is presented with support from Acton Memorial Library and Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area and the Littleton Historical Society.
Registration is required at https://tinyurl.com/pinehawk-2023