Summer Concert Series: Hungrytown
Thursday, June 137:00—8:00 PMBack Library Lawn Acton Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Meeting RoomActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Meeting Room AActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Meeting Room BActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Summer Concert Series: Music every month on the back library lawn! Bring a lawn chair, picnic blanket and snacks! If it rains, the concert will still take place inside.
Rebecca Hall and Ken Anderson, through their years of worldwide touring and tireless devotion to many classic genres of music, have crafted Hungrytown into a true artistic hybrid, able to hold Celtic and Americana, ballads and psychedelia, sunshine and darkness, joy and despair--not only within the same album, but within the same song. Hungrytown's music has received extensive radio airplay worldwide and has appeared on several television shows, including The Daily Show and Portlandia.
No Registration Required