Patriots and Potters: Trouble Brewing with Pied Potter Hamelin

Saturday, December 92:00—3:30 PMActon Memorial LibraryActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Meeting RoomActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Meeting Room AActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720
Meeting Room BActon Memorial Library486 Main Street, Acton, MA, 01720

Join Rick Hamelin, also known as Pied Potter Hamelin for a special pottery demonstration for teens & adults: "Patriots and Potters: Trouble Brewing". A pottery demonstration with stories told about the colonial potter and the teapot in Massachusetts before and during the Revolutionary War. Tales of the lives of the men and women who worked in the clay trades from Charlestown to Freetown and throughout Massachusetts will be discussed. The audience will see many unique pots thrown on the potter's wheel and have some hands-on opportunities.

Hands-on: We will be passing from person to person a freshly made pot from the potter’s wheel and the chance to feel a dry and wet pot as it rotates on the wheel. Each person will also make a pinch pot (cup made from a ball of clay by pinching the clay with the thumb and finger) and the unfired piece goes home with the participant.

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